When toddlers...

I was playing Bakery Story story on my iPad and my 2 year old wanted to sit in my lap so I let her. She likes looking into my bakery at the cakes and things so I just let her look around and got preoccupied with something else. 

Then, I realized she had bought a crate! Not sure which one but I'm guessing the Fall Crate because she got the Fall Barista!

She's very cute and I wanted her but never dug around to figure out if she were still available or not. 

I came out of design mode and let her look around again unsupervised (I never learn!) and she somehow managed to buy another crate! this time I'm guessing it was the Summer Beach Box.

She got the Pool Toys. Only placed them there to take a picture. They don't suit my Bakery at the moment!

No more looking around my bakery unsupervised! She lost interest anyway. Maybe over the summer I can have a beach thing going on somewhere. 


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