BS Health Food

I'm not done with this goal on Bakery Story but I'll share what we got with the exception of appliances and share my thoughts on them. 

Juicy tables & chairs. They don't suit my preferred decor but I can see myself using them in the future along with some other currently available items.

Wall decor is the fruity neon sign. Again a bit too neon for me. The reason I have 2 is that they're needed for the goals. 

The healthy baker is very cute and I'm definitely planning to use it for my next remodel probably in a month or so (if I have time). But I already bought 2 for the goal. Planning a more symmetrical layout than my current!

The locked by goal items are the juice sampler, new bike & yoga class. I've yet to unlock the yoga class though. Still have many hours of making drinks to go.

The wallpaper (fruit & veg) and floor tile (gold star) are both very cute. I can see myself using both in the future but I wish they'd release that star in pastels!

The juicy counter, like its friends the table and chair, is very colorful and summery. Maybe in the summer I'll do an ice cream shop/juice bar theme and use fruity items. 

oh I wish I wish I wish the barista counter would be on sale again!


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