My new bakery decor

Figured I'll share my current bakery decor (I just spent a good portion of today making chancier) in order to see how my taste and style changes over time. 

At first I was only planning to rearrange a few things but just couldn't stand it, I had to rearrange everything!

I only have 2 more expansions to purchase, but not in a hurry to do so as I just purchased 2 today. 

Firstly a closeup to my feeding pen. I had a different feeding pen a while back but not sure if this is more efficient or not. I guess I'll know tomorrow! 

My teacup fountain & mermaid statue. this is the first time that I've used an outdoor wallpaper.

The cooking/baking area, hidden next to my symmetrical Baker's Squares. Did you spot the fall barista that my daughter got me today?

My pride & joy, the sapphire wedding scene. I always like having something wedding/romance oriented in my story games. Love the way it turned out with the ocean wallpaper & cypress trees.

My "complicated middle area with 2x dainty pianos, a valentine display, cats, snow cone machine & cotton candy machine. can you tell I tried so hard to get the candy carousel? and no, I don't have it.

on the right there's coffee, jam & greenery. It's a gradient illusion from the outdoor wedding.

On the left we have donuts. I really love the sugar couch & hunny bunny. ever since I've got them there's never been a layout where I didn't include them. the donut display is a bit of a tough one because it's blue. but I think it's fine due to the roof of the fairytale tower. the ballet cubbies I just got today, been wanting them for a while and finally got them! 


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