Oh the accidents...

The weekend I had was shocking! The updates came and I wanted to post about them for reference purpose but I didn't get a chance to because:
-this is our last weekend with my husband before he goes away on a really long course where we'll have minimum contact with him for weeks at a time.
-my 2 year old tripped and fell nose first into a pillar at my in laws' house 
-my iPhone fell and its screen shattered! I've yet to get it fixed or replace it. 

to make matters worse, the morning after my daughter broke her nose, my husband placed our 8 month old son next to me in bed and placed a pillow between him and the edge of the bed while I was asleep. I vaguely remember him telling me that our son was in bed with me and actually seeing him before going back to sleep. the next thing I know I opened my eyes again to hear my baby crying but nowhere to be seen! he actually rolled off the bed!! 

we were prepared for my husband departing today (Saturday) but it turns out his paperwork wasn't finished and he has to go tomorrow and finish it!! we aren't sure if he has to head to the place on the same day his paperwork is done or after. 

it's going to be months of going back and forth and missing him and yearning for him. the say distance makes the heart grow fonder, but I don't find that possible because of how fond I am of him already!! the kids also are very close with their dad and I'm worried how they'll take it. dd too young to understand that "daddy will be away for work for a while and we won't be able to talk to him on the phone" :( 

I've been stressed and nervous but also trying to concentrate on keeping busy. I have the gym and uni on a regular basis. then there are 2-3 family days per week where dd gets to see other kids. I take dd and ds to a daycare when I'm at the gym and they really love it. there area few outdoor attractions that I'm planning to take the kids to in the next few weeks too to keep their minds (and mine!) off of everything. 

in my heart I'm hoping that all of a sudden he doesn't have to go but in my mind I know it's all done and he's going...


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