Restaurant Decor

While waiting for the update I figured I'll post what my restaurant looks like. 

it is much smaller than my bakery and quite a different theme I think! Restaurant story isn't as cute as bakery story in my opinion so it was harder to make my restaurant cute.

I went for a garden/outdoorsy type of theme with flowers and bushes. I'm really happy with my wall decor!

and of course, I have to have a wedding! I am all about the love lately, especially being a January bride myself I'm feeling quite nostalgic.

My cooking station, not so cleverly hidden! 

last but not least, my picnic kitten display. it was hard to resist adding a picnic when the restaurant looks like a park! The extra row of tables in the middle is mostly for tips.

At the moment my toddler took over my iPad and is looking around my bakery. I don't have enough gems for her to accidentally use but there's plenty of other things she could do like clear my counters or sell my furniture and decor lol but I'm keeping a close eye this time! 


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