
Today I'm going to post both BS & RS layouts after I decided to go for a symmetrical layout. I'll start with BS in this post due to already taking screenshots.

This is the full layout. I've placed all my appliances on the left. This is also the maximum expansion. I just couldn't help myself and ended up buying it. I've also pulled most things away from the wall so that I can use wall decor freely. 

First of all, my identical feeding pens. I wish we had more options for doors. The only white doors available to me are the Christmas ones. I don't celebrate Christmas but I used them for a while because they were white. Each pen has 5 tables and chairs. Decided to try this way and see if the profits are okay. 

I wasn't planning on using the sapphire wedding because I couldn't make it symmetrical, but I love having a wedding scene! But I think I did okay making its surroundings symmetrical.

There were 2 decor items I really wanted to use but didn't have 2 of. The ballet cubbies (which suit the yoga class in my opinion) and those gift boxes. I already have 2 hummingbird feeders but I couldn't fit the second one for some reason.

My must use items for this layout is the teacup fountain, sugar couch, Ginny bunny, my cats & the dainty pianos (I have 4 lol).

The identical bakers squares are back near the lower middle. I've also included the coffee date, fall bakers (I got a 2nd one from the crate), the healthy baker and sugar dresses. I do have a couple of snow cone machines and cotton candy machines but I chose to use one of each so I could include both in my design. 

I wanted to do something else with the sugar dresses but it just didn't work out the way I wanted it to. Or rather, I had already designed the wall behind them and liked it the way it was so I didn't want to change it. 

Anyway, until next time!


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