The Girl on the Train

Last night we went to dinner at my aunt's house and they had The Girl on the Train prepared for us to watch. I had trouble concentrating because it was so noisy and the kids were running around everywhere but once I was able to finally concentrate, I loved it. It had a lot of things that I loved in a story.

Ugly human nature. I love it when you can see that the characters show their ugly sides, or know that what they are doing isn't right but they know who they are. Some of the things that the main character did/had done to her are a bit hard to watch.

While watching the movie I went on my iPhone and bought the book on iBooks. I started reading it last night and finished this evening, that's how much I couldn't put it down.

This is the sort of book that I would want to write about. Incidents where a character perceives events a certain way, only for the reader to discover later on that the truth was completely different. I would love to read a book from the perspective of a psychotic individual and have reality shift before them. I must seem insensitive when I say that, but I am truly interested in psychotic disorders and feel like reading a fictional story from the perspective of an individual who suffers one of these disorders I may learn more.

The notes I've kept on my trip to Japan, my aim was to write a story of perspectives. But I'm not really good at seeing the big picture and then taking at apart and having different characters perceive it differently. I would have to have the big picture engraved in my head. I wish I could take the big picture, freeze it and just save it somewhere so I can get back to it without making mistakes. Practice makes perfect, I guess.


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