On Writing

There is a blog managed by women for (mostly) women that I read from time to time. The owner/editor announced a few days ago that she hired new writers for her blog. On reading that I felt like... I wish I had applied and got accepted. I am not much of a writer anymore, but it really feels that writing for that specific website/blog would make me happy and it would be a good start in getting back into writing.

While in Japan, I started scribbling into a notebook about a story that I am planning to write. I just don't know how it would turn out. Writing scares me a lot now and I feel like part of my soul is exposed.

On my last post, I still sometimes wish I never got mixed up with this family. It makes me wonder if I had been happy to remain unmarried. I wouldn't be carrying all the extra weight on my head, and on my head alone. At the same time, I feel ridiculous to think all this. If I hadn't gotten married, I wouldn't have been blessed with my beautiful daughter and son who mean the entire world to me. I think the only reason I've not done anything drastic is that I have them to consider. This is my mental illness talking, though, I really don't feel that right now I would have a reason to leave...not really...


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