Well, I am home now.

Easier to blog from a laptop but it isn't what I always want to do.

I am not sure if people in my closer circle perceive my problems/pains as a lack of something to do. Over the past year, where I was stressed and worried about school, money, kids, my marriage and my weight/body shape, certain people keep giving me advice about what to do with my free time. Like why don't I start a blog about bags or things I like? Why don't I get a job? Why don't I exercise or go to the gym? I already have a blog, but I feel like I can't have a blog solely about bags because I honestly don't care that much about bags anymore. I might have bags that interest me here and there but it is no longer a constant thing. Besides, I already have this blog. It is personal/anonymous so I guess it's not what that person meant. And anyway, I just can't get the motivation for these suggestions; except thinking that my problems are "imaginary" and that I need to keep myself busy in order not to think about them.

Another issue that annoys me is that I have struggled to lose weight. It already bothers me beyond belief. I considered plastic/reconstructive surgery because of how fed up I felt with the way I looked and nothing I do making it better. Then come people who breeze through and say things like, "so have you neglected to take care of yourself the past few years? is that why you're so fat?" or "do you want suggestions for healthy snacks that would help you stay full longer?" without even asking what I do snack on and whether I even have a problem of being hungry 24/7 (I don't). Lots of things contributed to my inability to lose weight, including my contraceptive, antidepressant, steroid medications, etc. I am currently on a low dose thyroid medication due to having symptoms and a borderline under-active thyroid result. I feel that some of my friends that haven't had children yet want to believe that I caused myself to be the way I look right now, like it was my mistake, so they could avoid it in order not to look like me after they have had a few kids. I have to admit, it is hurtful to hear those comments regardless of who they come from. Especially those that say, "why did it take you this long?" or "why haven't you lose all the weight 2 years later?".

On the subject of children, I have my reservations on having more kids. I don't see it becoming a reality unless things improve.


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