Human kind

It must be human nature.

Whenever I saw family who asked what happened with my friend, how did she die. I say that she had no known health problems, and that she had a blood clot. They immediately say "but blood clots have causes, she must have had an underlying illness that she didn't know about,"

But what is the point of saying things like that? Some people can be so insensitive. It is human nature after all. Anyone could have underlying illnesses that show up suddenly and their light goes out faster than anyone can notice. I, too, wondered if there was something wrong. If she had known about an underlying condition that she didn't want to share. But what's the point? What's done is done. Death will soon come knocking on our doors and it won't necessarily have a reason. Once we're gone, knowing or not knowing our "secret illnesses that we didn't know about" won't make any difference. The ones who remain may grasp at what once was, but in the end, it wouldn't matter at all.


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