Of Embarrassment & Other Things

I joined a semi-pug of Tomb of Sargeras and did so badly that I left after the 4th boss. I felt so bad I couldn't believe it. Why does it seem like there is a glass ceiling for me? Why is there a mental block? Why can't I progress? Even when I go and make mistakes, I don't see myself learning. I haven't learned anything to be honest even if I do know the tactics and watched all the videos I still make mistakes. It seems that the feel-good factor just isn't there. Not sure what would happen once I get a job, if I get a job that is, would I continue to feel like crap every time things don't go the way I want them to? It'll take a while for me to learn a new job and it'll take some disappointments on the way because that's just how you learn.

Then something nice happened. I did the 5 timewrap dungeon quest and opened the chest and found...

Which brightened up my night. Funny. Something I put no effort into because it's purely by chance and that's what makes me happy...


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