Good Girl Gone Bad

Today I woke up with a bad mood. I don't really know the cause of it other than the usual, except it's just not as intense. The past hurts still haunt me. My inability to forgive the past hurts still haunt me. Sometimes I can't help but wonder, am I the only person who feels this way? Are other people able to let go of these pains easier? Why am I alone out here? Why am I the only one that seems to be suffering? 

In other news, I feel I need to practice speaking English more often. If I try really hard, I think I can speak it pretty well...but it just isn't naturally easy anymore. I struggle and stumble and it feels really bad. What can I do to practice it? I thought of making Hearthstone videos. It may sound stupid because it's not like I'm even good at the game, but there is one battle in the Heroic Karazhan that I know the mechanics of SO well that I could teach a course on it. But unfortunately, I just don't have the time right now. 


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