You make me feel...

Today we had a slightly traumatizing experience. I am so sure it will show up in my dreams tonight. I've wanted to talk about it when it first happened, but right now i think i'd like to just carry on as if it had never happened. But i think the first thing i'm going to do when we go back home is get my kids a double stroller with an umbrella fold. it only took me 3 years to finally accept an umbrella stroller. the incident earlier made me realize that my fears of going through train stations with my children's stroller are not unfounded. 

i want to say that i've been an insomniac ever since we arrived in japan but i do believe that i had been an insomniac even before. 

going to have to do whatever it takes to wake up early tomorrow. planning to go to hama rikyu early tomorrow. 



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