Eyes on Disneyland

The dumbo popcorn bucket is our memento from Disneyland Tokyo. My kids were so happy and we all had a wonderful time. I am not a popcorn person, but since the milk chocolate popcorn smell was sooo invasive, i decided to give it a try and both the kids and i really enjoyed it. we are so going to use the bucket for popcorn again back home so we can enjoy it and remember this lovely trip.
today we went to the gardens around the meiji shrine. we didn't bring our stroller so it was really exhausting for the kids and us by extension. it was really beautiful but cold, too. we went to the dominique ansel bakery afterward too and the food was good but i really didn't like the s'mores! we had dinner at laduree for novelty's sake too and it was lovely. i couldn't take any pics though because i had to give my son my phone otherwise he'd have continued to cry and we would have probably been asked to leave lol... well, i dunno if we would have but it's very stressful to be the parent of a screaming toddler in a cafe/restaurant type of place.
i saw a seashell shaped iphone cover in a little store near my hotel but i decided not to buy it till i go to akihabara and check out phone covers there as i heard there's a huge collection.
oh yes. i decided against the birkin that i saw the other day, even though who knows it might have sold. but l'ecrin have a 28 kelly that i would really like...i dunno...should i go for it? would i regret it? should i just wait and see if the boutiques back home would be able to offer me one? i'm supposed to hear back about my wishlist 35 kelly next summer...but i wonder if i could change it for a 28 instead? i'm not very picky with colors. at least that way i wouldn't be paying a markup.
my daughter has been asking for disneyland again. she and my son had a great time yesterday. i am considering taking them to disneysea since we are here already. but i'm so worried that it's reaaally cold. at the same time...we are already here, so we want to miss the chance?
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