Failure to post

I can't believe it's been more than 2 weeks since the last time I posted! It feels like people who keep personal blogs like I do are probably those who are still living in the past, when everyone had a blog and the only drama was blog drama, lol. At least I'm thankful for the lack of drama.

My car is here, and I can't believe I've had it for 2 weeks. Most days I'm glad to have it but then come these other days where I feel so lazy but at the same time very overwhelmed by the responsibility of driving and ensuring my passengers reach the destination safely. I know it is probably a weird thing to think about but I just can't help it sometimes.

Only one more week of classes left. Finishing off my projects and presentations little by little. Thankful for the progress I've made.

Saw a pic of this LV purse on Instagram a few days ago and find it really adorable. It is the Palm Springs backpack in the mini size. I am not much of a backpack person but still think maybe I'll goin to try it out. I can't help but worry that backpack wearers are easy targets for muggers, though.


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