Empathy? Where are you?

I've tried writing this post before, but i just wasn't sure how to continue. 

My struggle at this chapter of my life is with empathy. I've always thought of myself as a highly empathetic person, fully able to appreciate another's point of view and feelings on what they were going through. It is perhaps my empathy that's got me into this mess. However, after all that's been said and done, I am struggling to have empathy for the other side. Instead i feel:
-taken advantage of

Anger over all the time this ordeal has wasted. Over every second and every minute i spent doubting myself, wondering, worrying, going around in circles unsure of what i did wrong when the reality was that i did absolutely nothing wrong.

Guilty, not because I've caused someone else misfortune, because I haven't. Guity of the misery that I caused myself. Misery that I did not deserve. I should have been allowed to be happy and enjoy my fresh engagement period, my newly wed days, my new pregnancy. I deserved the happiness that those days should have brought me. No one should have taken that away from me, but they did and I let them. 


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