Are rewards worth it?

I guess I've hit a weight-loss plateau right now.

I will propose this challenge. If by the end of November, I reach 65 kgs and remain at 65 kgs (or even lose), I will reward myself with the following shoes:

These shoes were sort of on my wishlist since before I got married. The Gina flats. But there was never a right time/occasion to buy them and I ended up getting other shoes. The last pair of shoes I bought was in April. Not that I desperately need shoes, but in order to put my shopping in check and motivate myself to lose weight, this sounds like a suitable reward.

However, if I do not reach the weight at the specified time, there has to be a penalty, right? So if I do not reach 65 kgs by the end of November, I will not be getting those shoes even if I reach the weight at a later time! That is my goal. 65 kg by the end of November and maintaining it or losing more for the 2 weeks after reaching it.


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