That was a long time ago

You really don't know how you would react to a situation until it actually happens. There are thoughts that just make me angry and upset that I can't really handle but then all of a sudden one thing happens and you think it won't undo anything yet you realize that your pain levels have decreased. Nothing will ever be the same, of course, but it's almost as if a shadow that has once clouded yours and everyone else's thoughts has been washed away by daylight.

I recently started outlining chapters of a story that I was planning to write. I reached a point where I know more or less what's going to happen, but I've run out of things to outline. I don't want to reach the end yet but I guess this is how stories become stretched out more than you should and it waters down whatever real content they may have. I am an amateur, though, and I don't think anyone is going to read my story. So maybe it doesn't matter?

My tummy tuck issue has brought up a few other things. Which doctor should I choose? I have a choice between 2 board certified surgeons.

First choice: Dr. P
-Always here. will be able to get post op appointments with her for months afterwards. Getting certificates for my choice of gym or personal trainer would be easy since she is here.
-However, I had to wait at least an hour before I saw her even though I had an appointment! So she is extremely busy.
-Flexibility in terms of the surgery appointment. I can probably schedule it for as soon as my finals are over (but then I wouldn't enjoy summer with my kids?)
-Lower price of procedure and I would also be offered LPG sessions post-op (I don't know if they are helpful but been wanting to try)
-Flexibility in having my next procedure as soon as possible after the first: breast reduction (because I still have trouble breathing when I lay on my back).
-Didn't discuss exercise with me, but only informed me that the hospital would provide me with a dvd with post op core strengthening exercises.

Second Choice: Dr. C
-Visiting Dr, only comes here briefly. Will probably not even get a 2 week post op appointment with her. I would not be able to receive
-Would only be able to have the surgery in September, mid-September is most probable. I would not be able to take my kids to school for a few weeks.
-Much higher price of procedure.
- Unsure when she would be free to offer me my breast reduction. Depends on her next visit. She maybe only comes here twice a year which really restricts my schedule.
-Considering her because she made me feel very comfortable about having a tummy tuck even though I do not know if I am done having children (I doubt I am done).
-Seemed more aware of what exercises I can or can't do and gave me an approximate timeline of when to go back to certain activities. Although I do have a timeline in mind anyway, and would probably have to add a few weeks to whatever timeline they give me because I would want to take things really slow.

And since maybe someone is going to read this and "inform me" that women shouldn't have tummy tucks if they aren't done having children, you tell me, would you be comfortable walking around or even carrying another child if your gut was hanging low and you already look pregnant? If people constantly constantly ask if you're pregnant? If the rest of your body is lovely but you can barely walk when your stomach is bloated after food because your organs are all being pushed out?

I do not care about having a little belly or slight bloat, like I almost always did. Most people do, after eating or drinking water or whatever, they may always have less than a flat stomach. Flat is not the reason I'm doing this. I spent ages just trying to understand why my stomach looks the way it does. I considered liposuction even though I had a feeling all the extra skin would have to be removed anyway. Never thought that I would have muscle separation just like mom did... I knew she suffered it and how painful it was what she went though, and thought I was doing all that I can to avoid having it. I guess I would have to keep working harder, or well, not harder, but smarter.


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