Felt really really down...

...until I toughened up, and tried the emerald nightmare on normal mode. And it was easy. So I toughened up further and tried the assault on violet hold and the vault of the wardens, both on mythic. The first one had a more experienced overall group and it was incredibly easy, I barely healed at all. The second group had experienced and well-geared players and it also had an off-spec tank who was only tanking to boost his friend, so it was slightly more challenging but still do-able. The challenge was enjoyable and not at all stressful. 

Hopefully tomorrow I'll try mythic blackrook hold and use my level 2 keystone for cathedral of eternal night. Hubby may join the latter. 

I want to get ready to do the normal nighthold raid before tomb of sargeras is released on wednesday. Cutting it kinda close but worth a shot.


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