Plastic Surgery

It turns out the reason for my belly looking the way it does, and the bloating after eating and looking pregnant is having separation of the abdominal muscles. 

The plastic surgeon said liposuction wouldn't produce desirable results and recommends a full tummy tuck with liposuction of my back. She had originally asked me if we are planning to have more children and I said yes but we've delayed it. We are planning to wait 2+ years to have another child (for other reasons) and she said that should be fine. 

I asked if there had been side effects for women who have had babies post tummy tuck. She said for women that tell her of their plans she used disolvable sutures for muscle repair which has not had any side effects. In rare cases where permanent sutures were used, babies have had low birth weights. 

I'd love to go for the surgery but there's a lot of things to think about. I need to organize my thoughts. 


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