
I can't believe it's been 20 days since I last posted.

I have been really busy with my school work. My holiday was partially spent on school work, but it still wasn't enough. I am probably going to fail 1 subject out of 4. One of the others has a presentation of a big research that we weren't informed of early enough and I have asked to have mine postponed and be like a re-sit 1 week later but I haven't heard back yet. It's almost as if the professor doesn't even read his emails. It's frustrating. The groups in class all had their work done by people they paid to do it. It's as if plagiarism doesn't have meaning in this school, it really hurts. This is why I opted not to work with any of them because I don't want my name to be stamped on something that I or my group mates didn't do ourselves; especially since I plan to one day go for a research degree so I would never be happy with this. But what's the point if I fail this 2nd subject, too, because I wouldn't be allowed to do presentation as a resit!


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