Here's the plan

In terms of school... finish up my remaining research and study in order to be done with my semester by the end of April. No travel plans for May so i can just relax until my summer semester starts. Probably can properly toilet train/enfroce toilet training for my daughter. 

In terms of my body...
-Go back to intermitten fasting as soon as we are home from the holidays.
-Use the treadmill for 20 mins minimum every day
-Add 1 pop pilates video to my workouts every other day.
-Record weight once a week

Depending on my progress, i will schedule an appointment with a plastic in 4 months. By then I'll hopefully have graduated and can afford to have some downtime. I wont necessarily have the surgery in August...maybe something like September or something. I need to be able to schedule it properly so it doesnt come between launching my own business. 

My procedure of choice? Liposuction. Why? Because even when I had a BMI of 18, I still had belly fat. I am genetically dispositioned to having a belly and after having my babies it just got worse. I am sick of looking pregnant when I am not. I am scared of getting pregnant again because i just seem to get hungrier and hungrier and pack on weight like it was water.

In terma of my back, my dr recommends against carrying weights on my shoulder so no more body pump. Im sad but it means I need to explore new options which can be interesting and fun.


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