
Showing posts from April, 2017

Nearing it

I received my order from gymshark today and now I can safely say I understand why their leggings are always out of stock.Can't wait to wear them to the gym! Plans for tomorrow: -take the kids to preschool -workout -go to physiotherapy -finish my finance assignment and project (scared of these) -go to school to hand in the project and take the kids along -come back home and wait for hubby to get home from work -head to my hair color appointment (even though i havent made a decision about what to do with my hair) -take my bracelets to cartier to get the screws changed (bleh)  And that's all, folks! 

One day...

I am purposely not posting about school, because I don't want to talk about it. I don't know the stats of that ring I'm wearing, but it was a gift from my mom and I love it. Last year she got me another ring... a princess cut. I am not sure if I've ever posted a picture of it. One day I plan to own a cushion cut with a halo and split shank, just like this ring by LaurenB . 

Pop Pilates Attire

I finally made an order from Popflex Active It's so pretty like a dance outfit! They have a lot of lovely outfits I think I'm going to order some more after I receive my order and ensure the size is okay. 


I can't believe it's been 20 days since I last posted. I have been really busy with my school work. My holiday was partially spent on school work, but it still wasn't enough. I am probably going to fail 1 subject out of 4. One of the others has a presentation of a big research that we weren't informed of early enough and I have asked to have mine postponed and be like a re-sit 1 week later but I haven't heard back yet. It's almost as if the professor doesn't even read his emails. It's frustrating. The groups in class all had their work done by people they paid to do it. It's as if plagiarism doesn't have meaning in this school, it really hurts. This is why I opted not to work with any of them because I don't want my name to be stamped on something that I or my group mates didn't do ourselves; especially since I plan to one day go for a research degree so I would never be happy with this. But what's the point if I fail this 2nd subje...

Things unsaid

I don't know why but it feels like in an argument, my family members seem to always take the other person's side. I don't know why there needs to be sides anyway but it happens. The automatically defend the other person as if I were just arguing for sport. Why is it ok if people are rude to me? My mother seems to have it in her mind that I am a bully and whenever something happens between me and a sibling it is automatically me being a bully.  So over the years it seems that if anyone is rude to me and I get annoyed and state that I refuse to be treated this way, my mom automatically sides with the person who was rude to me. Because no way could anyone be rude to a bully, right?  And i wasn't a bully. I was just the oldest sibling. The only time I was a "bully" was when I was under 10. My behavior wasn't that different than any other older siblings that we knew. What siblings didn't fight? It wasn't always someone's fault over the other. I reme...

Here's the plan

In terms of school... finish up my remaining research and study in order to be done with my semester by the end of April. No travel plans for May so i can just relax until my summer semester starts. Probably can properly toilet train/enfroce toilet training for my daughter.  In terms of my body... -Go back to intermitten fasting as soon as we are home from the holidays. -Use the treadmill for 20 mins minimum every day -Add 1 pop pilates video to my workouts every other day. -Record weight once a week Depending on my progress, i will schedule an appointment with a plastic in 4 months. By then I'll hopefully have graduated and can afford to have some downtime. I wont necessarily have the surgery in August...maybe something like September or something. I need to be able to schedule it properly so it doesnt come between launching my own business.  My procedure of choice? Liposuction. Why? Because even when I had a BMI of 18, I still had belly fat. I am genetically dispositioned to...