The Gift

Had my riding lesson this morning and feel so worn out that I don't think I can play WoW. So I decided to continue the Hearthstone expansion that I've been setting aside for a while now. I've stopped at Julianne because Romula beats me up!! However, I just discovered this past game that he stops attacking if your minions would kill him if he attacks them. Don't know if it's a fluke or what but once I got past the stage of being constantly beaten up to near death I managed to win the game!

My riding lesson went great, by the way. I'm getting sick but I'm glad I forced myself to go. I am definitely way too unfit to do much in a lesson but it went well. I rode one of my favorite horses but apparently in recent years no one's been riding him properly and he only does groom-led beginner lessons. It's probably because horses, especially riding school horses, tend to test their rider. So they learned that if they stop and the beginner rider gets fed up he gets to go home earlier than normal. This is just putting it in the very simplest term. But I managed to stay tough and insist that he gets moving, and he actually, eventually, got quite energetic! He actually listens to very light cues. We did a walk to canter transition. I'm sure my seat, position, legs, etc all looked like crap but at least I'm really glad I went!


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