Noblesse Oblige

I'm thinking of getting my own car more often now. I had to drive the huge Armada to get dd from school and the ride would have been way more comfortable if I had my own little car to drive. Here are my favorite combinations of exteriors and interiors:

Obsidian. I always thought I'd get a white car but it seems 80% of cars we see on the street are white. The color obsidian sounds really cool, almost like it is a description of dragon scales. The obsidian dragon, hehe.

Nebula Gray Pearl is also a cool sounding color. I like gray for a car, too. 

This interior combination is called parchment leather matte bamboo trim. This is the one that I saw in person I believe. It's lovely because there are 3 colors there, the parchment, the dark brown and the bamboo trim. 

This is called noble brown with matte linear dark mocha wood trim. I loved this one even without seeing the other one. I love dark brown and calling it noble brown makes it seem like it's a color of a horse. A noble steed. It is more practical for me to have darker seats in a car so they don't stain from my darker attire but they do say that the seats can get waxed at the beginning and it makes them not-so-easy to stain. I don't know how accurate that is but we'll see. 


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