My Life

We've adopted a cat. I don't have any pictures of him at the moment, and he's still shy but getting used to the house. He's very very skinny like he's been abandoned a while back, probably a house cat. When my cousin found him, he had some injuries that the vet said are actually dog bites. He's doing a lot better now and eating well.

I've also started organizing/rearranging stuff in our house to make it a bit more cozy. Organizing the children's wardrobes, however, is a slightly lengthier project as so many of their clothes are mostly at my mom's. I will probably keep the clothes at mom's because there's talk of my husband being sent away again and I am not staying in this house if he's not here. I'm so tired of this lack of stability.

In other news, my car is late!! They said I'd get it today at most and I'm so anxious. I'm quite busy today due to having university later so I don't have that much time to go pick up the car.


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