Pancakes & Donuts

I love this cute cat bag from Chanel. I feel like I really want to add it to my collection. Although the pattern is seasonal it's just so cute and it's cats! What more could I ask for?

I am really hungry today. I had 2 boiled egg sandwiches for breakfast and a salad for lunch. Right now it's 5.30 and I'm starved. I wonder if I should have a light dinner now before class? The level of hunger I've reached can be quite distracting I believe. And it's not like I'm craving anything specific, so it's not carb cravings or anything like that.

Not really in the mood for class at all. I feel down because my summer vacation didn't go as I'd hoped and everything else I'd been looking forward to just went down the drain recently. I don't feel like I have the energy to do anything.


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