Breathe in the Fresh Air

When the Legion expansion first came out, I didn't play right away. I didn't think I'd be interested. But then found it oddly nostalgic while watching my husband play and decided to purchase it. Now I am really into WoW and finding this one of my favorite expansions. A (hubby) was slightly ahead of me and he reached Suramar first. He was so amazed by it that he kept telling me to come look whenever he was there. And I was just as in awe as he was. It's absolutely beautiful. It made us both think of Hogwarts (although there is a magician's academy in Azsuna, not Suramar) and for me, I really love the botanical theme it has going on. This screenshot above is from The Waning Cresent. I really am crazy about those crawling vines. I feel that I would like to have some of my home decor inspired by it. If I could find someone to paint me a mural that isn't very cheesy with some vines and a few blooms just like the one above, then I might actually have this...