Good People

Wonder what fell on my head today...decided to get Instagram again and it only took me a few minutes to delete it. Social media is just not for me anymore. if anything I think it was the source of many of my troubles. 

Right now I'm running heroic black rock depths on hearthstone. I've reached high lord omokk. my husband actually helped me a lot with majordomo and Ragnaros, and he says he remembers that I also had trouble in the normal version of the card fight, too. He is so into the game that he can't help but give me tips here and there when I'm playing next to him.

But I am enjoying hearthstone, too. I keep playing it until I fall asleep on days where we're at my mom's. 

I feel like my fitness progress is going backwards really sucks.

my latest perfume that I just finished. it smells like roses and I love it! 


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